Jade is the ultimate peace crystal that rebalances the heart and lower three chakras to help you to be confident and stand your ground. It works wonderfully for the heart chakra, helping to rebalance and regain any trust issues. Such trust issues involve a lack of trust for one’s self; That is, a fracture between your body and spirit. Jade will mend the two so that you be friends with yourself again. For the solar plexus, it rebuilds one’s confidence. Keep in mind, Jade has a “trickle down effect” on the chakras below the heart becuase once one is healed, so are the other remaining chakras. For the sacral and root chakra, it rebalances and replenishes sexual issues. Like, if your sex drive feels too low or overactive. For overactive sex drives, it soothes its fiery aspect like icing heat or a tight and sore muscle. (“Great for muscle remediation!” The angels say with a smile. They tell me that it helps tight, sore, aching, or overstretched muscles.) For low sex drives, Jade repairs with great love your low-self esteem that drives your low sex drive. A healthy sexual appetite has to be healed from the foundation, which is your self-esteem. Fun fact, Jade is also tool that has been used for centuries with skin elasticity and to regain its suppleness. Let jade guide your heart into waves of gentle reassurance, nurturing you with a lullaby-like energy. Keep jade beside you with some nighttime tea and you’ll drift off to sleep like a baby. Even the smallest pebble of jade will work its magic, so don’t misperceive the power of even the tiniest crystal!

A masculine stone, this crystal helps to balance the root chakra while tweaking into alignment the sacral chakra. The angels showed me how garnet focuses on the first chakra and that by realigning the root chakra, the sacral is also impacted by its healing like a ripple effect. Garnet is a powerful stone for those that don’t feel confident about voicing an opinion or expressing an idea. It helps get one’s thoughts across by voicing one’s anger constructively. For instance, instead of using words to hurt during an argument, garnet replenishes and rejuvenates the sacral chakra of anger and violence into logic and clarity. When in an argument, you will instead find yourself voicing a concern or statement through a lens of empowerment and not through victimhood or helplessness. In a context of superiority and inferiority, garnet balances the two’s playing field on an even keel so that neither party feels lesser or more than the other. Equality is garnet’s true tone as it also helps to open the throat chakra to speak your truth from a grounded state, letting you voice your concerns out of care and discernment rather than snark and despair.

This is the stone of open body expansion. Pivotal for ascension, quartz acts as a doorway widener (yep, you heard right). Like hands, quartz pulls that doorway wide open on the top of your head so that during a full moon or a season of high vibrational ascension, it basically forces your emotional body to accept downloads, rewire your DNA, and change the molecular root structure of your personality. This does not mean that who you are changes, it just means that you will be wiser, happier, tolerate negativity less, and access deeper parts of your Self to live a more rich and fulfilled life. All of this happens in your sleep, so be sure to get proper rest, stay very hydrated, and you’ll wake up a new person each following day. (Note: As long as you have quartz in your home or bedside table, it is not necessary to keep quartz on the body or under a pillow.)

This is the wound mending stone for the heart chakra. When in doubt while living under a toxic relationship of whether you should stay or go, let rhodochrosite lead you to who you were meant to become. This is THE stone you want to use for grief and channeling unwanted anger. A lot of the times, us sensitives don’t know how to use our anger constructively. We end up exploding from a build up of other people’s covert gaslighting and toxicity. Rhodochrosite is the grief counselor, helping you to mend the split in your wounded heart caused by those who confused you to essentially hate yourself. Like a therapist, rhodochrosite helps one half of your heart channel and coax the other half to come into oneness, greatness, and spiritual liberty. It says “No more,” to the toxic enslavement of any abuser and helps empower you to take your truth onto a path towards self-love and grace.