Blue Lace Agate
Like the ripples you see in moving water, blue lace agate is a reflection of time’s ripple of effect. Everyone’s conscious or unconscious action makes a lasting impact on Earth. How will you move time? That is, how will you mend together the fragments of separation caused by fear and conditioning? The answer is always love. Sometimes, us humans can feel that moving through life’s can feel like a struggle. Suddenly, we have chains to our feet and life doesn’t feel as light and joyous as it was when we were children. The point of blue lace agate is to remind you that life is just the way it was when you were a child! A true healer of societal pain and agony, blue lace agate mends together what we once thought we lost. That is, our joy, freedom, and free will. Blue lace agate reminds us that we are still our child selves, that just because we’ve grown into our adult bodies doesn’t mean life has changed. Let this crystal help you to mend your childhood traumas, societal conditioning, to bring you back into purity again. Blue lace agate is not blue chalcedony, by the way. Blue lace agate has white bands that indicate progression in time (or rather, the illusion of it ;-)).

Blue Chalcedony
A high frequency stone, blue chalcedony is meant to bring you to the other, ethereal realms of angels, guides, and ancestors. You can already feel yourself floating into a higher, dreamier state by looking at this crystal. You may feel that you want to cry when holding this stone, as blue chalcedony also helps you to connect with your purest form. That is, your higher self. This stone is important for dreamers that have problems staying on task. If you find that your mind erratically jumps from one topic to another when you’re trying to stay focused, or if you’d call yourself a serious day dreamer, blue chalcedony is for you. Dreamers have issues staying grounded. However, this crystal will help you to embrace your ethereal, wandering mind and gently remind you to stay focused. You will notice more streamlined attention, higher clarity, and less “noise” in the mind when holding this stone!

Azurite helps environmentalists and the balancing of the body, spirit, and mind. The contrasting colors of blue and green may make you feel that your emotional body is being pulled into two polar parts. However this “pull of parts” is actually a restorative exercise, brought by azurite itself. The crystal is smart, it knows exactly what we need to do to harness our emotionally, physically, and mentally healthiest self. If you’re having issues having an alert mind, azurite is great for this. Like a puzzle, you’ll find yourself piecing together how to best care for your body and mind as the days go by. For environmentalists, this is a call for action. This message is meant for you! If you’re feeling bogged down by knowing that the world is being inundated by too many plastic, or you feel that recycling feels starts to become a chore, you may just be burnt out from the stress of carrying too much environmental responsibility. Let azurite rebalance your body so that you can go out to save the world again with each conscientious action, the smart way. 🙂

Lapis Lazuli
This stone is pivotal for psychic protection. Have you ever wondered why a certain person kept staring at you so much so intrusively? Or, do you just get uncomfortable vibes from particular people around you? If so, this is the stone for you. The angels show me that these people are waiting for you to show a piece of yourself so they can exploit you. With lapis lazuli, it will block them from hijacking your personal boundaries and will. A beneficial effect from keeping this stone with you for protection is that your frequency will elevate because you don’t have to obsessively guard your energy or be paranoid about people trying to steal information from you. And yes, this also works to secure you if you’re on the internet! So, keep this stone on you when you’re working with private or valuable information online. Lapis lazuli also aides migraine headaches, aches and pains, soreness, and helps to sooth random muscular contractions.