Picture of Jacqueline Hang

Jacqueline Hang

Energy Vampires: The Catalyst Bully

With time, Jacqueline had to realize that energy vampires weren't all bad. She shares her thoughts about the renewal of boundaries, as well as an angel message of love and hope.

You may have noticed that energy vampires keep making their way into your life. Hopefully you can find why in this blog.

Examples of Energy Vampires

I’ve written before about my past coworker and bully, Jim (from my previous blog about energy vampires). After leaving that job to another, my current boss was also nothing different. They are both bullies, but most importantly they’ll do anything to take more of whatever it is that makes them feel better.

What do I mean by better? Well, as mentioned in the past, Jim needed to constantly undermine me and sneak into my energy field to steal pieces of me. My current boss, we’ll call her Suzy, is incredibly verbally abusive so she can crush you to make herself feel invincible. And yes I know, she’s crazy.


Why Empaths Attract Energy Vampires

You might wonder why we attract these types of people into our lives. We may have a people pleasing complex where we feel the need to give and give to obtain approval. Or, we may attract energy vampires into our lives because they look for people just like us: Those that always try to see the good in orders and those with boundaries that need fixing.

Energy vampires are simply notorious for preying on the weak, for eating up your energy and sense of self so they can survive. And I promise you, there are a lot more energy vampires on this earth than Jim and Suzy. Which is why I want you to be armed with this information because we empaths, who give and see the good in everyone, need to learn self-preservation.

Having to build boundaries is something that saddens me. It sucks when you just want loving, trusting relationships with everyone yet they speak with machetes. But if developing strong boundaries and learning who not to trust is key to your happiness, then we should fiercely embrace it. To help you become more aware and develop your own self-preservation tool kit, the realization I needed to make was this: Energy vampires have a goal in mind when they bully you. They simply need you to feel stronger, bigger, and better. However, their need to completely devour you is actually your Soul telling you to build thicker skin.


An Angel’s Message About Energy Vampires

My angels say that energy vampires actually are a catalyst for change. If someone can easily break into your energy field, strip down your understanding of boundaries, and consume your sense of self, then your original boundaries that hold your self-identity were not of Truth. That is, the You before your bully or energy vampire was never serving you in the first place. All things are of love and the angels whisper to you, “We still see Who You Are. We will always guide you back to your true self as naturally as a river constantly streams in one constant direction. Back to wholeness. Back to One. Back to the grace of God as you securely rest under his big embrace. You are safe forever, in the past, present, and future. Always under His embrace.”

With such draining people in our lives, we have to trust that energy vampires are messengers calling us to integrate back into our fullest selves. They are actually guiding us on how to live our best lives. Good luck.

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