I don’t know about you all but the sound of working for food delivery companies feels really… well, shitty. At first working for these jobs was profitable. I thought it was great that I could work whenever I wanted and get paid for not having my own boss.
Also, some of you might be thinking, “But I thought you do angel readings?” That is the reason for this blog.
When You Hate The Matrix
So I’m multi-apping, driving for these companies, when I get an order from one of the apps. I start grocery shopping and when I’m driving to the drop off location, it’s a big apartment complex with no customer parking. Great.
I had to craft my own space by turning on the emergency lights and block several cars from backing out. Not knowing where to drop off the heavy groceries, I hauled some of them with me and already started huffing and puffing, trying to find this person’s apartment door.
I went up a random flight of stairs where the left of me displayed a wall of apartment doors and their numbers. The door closest to me was apartment 4. The customer lived at number 21, which had to be all the way to the end of the hall.

My eyes widened and zoomed in like an old camera lens to realize the amount of lugging and cursing that would be done. My asthma started coming back as I hobbled like a penguin to leverage the groceries with my body. The sweat from my nose dripped onto my lip.
I laughed at the universe (or was the universe laughing at me?) and muttered under my wheezing breath, “I am never doing this again.”

Why I Stopped Doing Angel Readings
Well, I had to change how I wanted to show myself on social media. I had to stop being who I thought I should be to the public and just be myself.
I’m a normal person: I get tired, I’m not always happy because can hear angels, and I definitely feel discouraged a whole lot of the time when chasing after my goals. My little hiatus was nice, I’ll be honest. It was good to take a break.
As you can see with the delivery fiasco, the universe kicked me in the butt like a momma spanking its child to never cross the street without looking left and right.

Panting and aching, I finally dropped off the first round of groceries to the apartment. However, I still had to go back to my car and pick up a set of 24 waterbottles… Let me remind you, I am a petite lady.
Speak Angels, Speak!
While bending down to pick up the bottles, I felt the world slow and shift as these words came into my mind, “It’s going to be worse [when you move to] Japan if you don’t chase your desires.”
I knew that was my angels and that the universe was creating more rigid and difficult circumstances to snap me back to my purpose: Which is, making a living from doing my own business.

Oh and when dropping off the second round, apparently one of the water bottles had a hole in them and started soaking my shirt.
Resistance of Dreams Generates Friction
This blog wasn’t about bashing the food courier companies. It was to show how the Universe compounds upon your resistance towards what you don’t want by creating lovely experiences, as mentioned above. What about you, what experiences do you think the universe is trying to show you? I would love to hear your stories below as well.